EPO Spacer Instructions

Please follow the below instructions to complete your EPO Spacer

Directions: (timing is essential)

  1. Clean your toes thoroughly
  2. Mix together 1 pot of white and 1 pot of coloured EPO material thoroughly (30 secs) then form it into a tube shape, keeping in mind you may not require all the EPO material for the spacer.
  3. Place this between the big toe & the second toe, moulding the amount required moulding it to the correct width needed to support your specific toe shape.
  4. Place your foot on 1 piece of the plastic sheet provided and begin adjusting the shape if necessary.
  5. Keep the foot still on the plastic, allowing the EPO spacer material to become firm (10 to 15 mins)
  6. Once firm, remove the spacer carefully and place on the plastic sheet to fully cure (25 mins)

To test if the spacer is fully cured, press your fingernail into the spacer. It should not leave any imprint if fully cured.

Store kit in a cool place

The following videos will assist in the process or making your DIY spacer kit.

Video 1 – The Process

This video is your visual guide to creating your perfect spacer.  Together with video 2 you will know exactly which shape is best for your foot and how to create the perfect personlaised spacer at home.


Video 2 – What’s your foot shape?

This video will assist you once you have clearly identified what type of foot you have, and help you determine what shaped spacer might be best for you.

If you have any questions about shape please feel free to e-mail our helpful team via the contact form here